Wednesday 20 November 2019

A DIY snow globe!

A DIY snow globe.  Does it remind you of your childhood? Here are 15 very nice ideas to make a homemade snow globe! You will find, where there is the wording "source tutorial" all the explanations to realize these beautiful Christmas jobs. The idea n ° 4 and 7 are two video tutorials to understand step by step how to make these snow globes. Let yourself be inspired and free your creativity!

Good vision to everyone and have fun!

Typically, snow spheres are a winter or Christmas micro park that people acquire as a travel souvenir. In this case, the Traveler's calls are the opposite. Artists Walter Martin and Paloma Muñoz found in these balloons a perfect opportunity for the nightmare.

The sphere is, first and foremost, a place from which no one can escape. The contents of the Travelers denote that absolute anxiety, being shown in clear danger and nowhere to go. In the end, it is a matter of the specular observer about the possible narratives. These scenes trapped in glass represent an attempt to encapsulate, isolate and illuminate a form of fear. Maybe someone had to subvert these enthusiastic conventions with a stroke of darkness. Of these, they only made 250 pieces, which were sold, each, for $ 750, but the entire collection is gathered in a book published in 2008 entitled Travelers.